Hongze(Hong Kong) Investment Consulting Limited	 High exchange your preferred foreign exchange trading

White label partners

For service companies that want to enter the broker-dealer business,Hong Kong Morgan Group Co., Ltd (Hong Kong) Investment Management Co., LtdGaohui can achieve the first step for you. Through the combination of several traffic providers, we select the high quality quotation end, thus directly access to the MT4 port. Our professional services, deep liquidity and award-winning trading platforms will provide our regulated partners with all the support they need to enter the foreign exchange brokerage market. As a successful foreign exchange platform provider,Hong Kong Morgan Group Co., Ltd helps its partners to quickly and deeply understand the market and customers. The leading MT4 client and management system will help white-label partners continue to reap the benefits of getting to the heart of the business

Baibiao partners set up to achieve the rapid growth of the enterprise

White standard cooperation is your ideal choice for financial management,,Hong Kong Morgan Group Co., Ltd (Hong Kong) Investment Management Co., Ltd Gaoxi provides the following for quality service providers with legal operating and regulatory licenses:

  • No initial fees and no hidden charges
  • Multiple bank quote endpoint difference as low as 0.1
  • Your own trading brand
  • Zero cost MT4 and multi-account management tools set up
  • Customized to your needs
  • Zero cost flow bridge erection and flow connection

Become our partner immediately and begin to reap substantial profits

Fill in the form below and our institutional account manager will contact you as soon as possible to provide you with a customized solution.

To apply for Hongze(Hong Kong) Investment Consulting Limited High transfer agent

Hongze(Hong Kong) Investment Consulting Limited We respect the privacy of every customer. Once submitted, you agree Hongze(Hong Kong) Investment Consulting Limited Gaoxi will use the information provided above to contact you to answer your inquiries about related products and services.

For more informationHongze(Hong Kong) Investment Consulting Limited For more information, please call 400-827-3099 or pass through Online customer service 、E-mail service@hongzemt4.comGet in touch with us.